2023-05-04T04:32:01Z - 2024-05-04T04:32:01Z


0 Active Pull Requests
4 Active Issues
Excluding merges, 2 authors have pushed 3 commits to develop and 3 commits to all branches. On develop, 2 files have changed and there have been 54 additions and 53 deletions.

4 Issues created by 1 user

Opened #119 Dodać przycisk do czyszczenia historii w popupie 2023-05-31 19:36:28 +02:00

Opened #120 Przepisanie ile tylko wlezie na Playwright 2023-09-20 16:40:38 +02:00

Opened #121 Dodać możliwość kopiowania wartości z danej tabelki 2023-10-15 12:28:21 +02:00

Opened #122 Dodać sprawdzanie zapisanych cookiesów - nie tylko tych wysłanych 2023-10-15 12:28:41 +02:00