Checkpoint 2

This commit is contained in:
Kuba Orlik 2020-06-06 22:37:48 +02:00
parent db73d04f0d
commit 8c5cfd88d9
2 changed files with 81 additions and 56 deletions

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@ -1,65 +1,88 @@
const graph_density = 1000; import findLoudness, { SwapPoint } from "./find-loudness";
const graph_density = 8000;
const threshold_at_point = 1; const threshold_at_point = 1;
const inertia_s = 0.1; const inertia_s = 0.3;
const inertia_samples = inertia_s * graph_density; const inertia_samples = inertia_s * graph_density;
let position = 0; const s = (n: number) => n / graph_density;
let last_swap_position = 0;
const s = (n: number) => Math.round(n / graph_density);
const minutes = (units: number) => Math.floor(s(units) / 60); const minutes = (units: number) => Math.floor(s(units) / 60);
const hours = (units: number) => Math.floor(units / graph_density / 60 / 60);
const formatTime = (units: number) => const formatTime = (units: number) =>
`${minutes(units)}:${Math.floor(s(units) % 60)}`; `${hours(units)}:${minutes(units)}:${Math.floor(s(units) % 60)}`;
let keep_loud_until = 0; type Mode = { left: boolean; right: boolean };
let total_speaking = 0; async function run() {
const [left_breaks, right_breaks] = await Promise.all([
const results: [string, number][] = []; findLoudness(
process.stdin.on("readable", () => { threshold_at_point,
let chunk: Buffer | null; inertia_samples,
let was_loud_last_time = false; "left"
while ((chunk = !== null) { ),
for (let i = 0; i < chunk.byteLength; i++) { findLoudness(
position++; "/tmp/rightraw",
const byte = chunk[i]; threshold_at_point,
const volume = Math.abs(byte - 128); inertia_samples,
const is_loud: boolean = "right"
volume > threshold_at_point || position < keep_loud_until; ),
if (is_loud) {
if (is_loud != was_loud_last_time) {
is_loud ? "silence" : "speaking",
position - last_swap_position,
]); ]);
last_swap_position = position;
was_loud_last_time = is_loud; const merged = [...left_breaks, ...right_breaks].sort((a, b) =>
a.position_start < b.position_start
? -1
: a.position_start > b.position_start
? 1
: 0
// console.log("left breaks:", left_breaks);
// console.log(`right_breaks`, right_breaks);
// console.log(`merged`, merged);
function new_mode(m: Mode, s: SwapPoint): Mode {
return { ...m, [s.label]: s.loud };
} }
if (volume > threshold_at_point) {
keep_loud_until = position + inertia_samples; function mode_to_string(mode: Mode) {
if (mode.left && mode.right) {
return "both";
for (const side of ["left", "right"]) {
if (mode[side as keyof Mode]) {
return side;
} }
} }
return "none";
} }
const mode_to_image = (mode: string) => { console.log("file", `${process.cwd()}/pics/none.png`);
return mode === "silence" ? "pics/cisza.png" : "pics/kuba.png"; let last_point = 0;
}; let mode: Mode = { left: false, right: false };
let last_file;
process.stdin.on("end", () => { let total = 0;
results.forEach(([mode, duration_units]) => { for (let i = 2; i < merged.length; i++) {
console.log("file", `'${mode_to_image(mode)}'`); const point = merged[i];
console.log("duration", (duration_units / graph_density).toFixed(4)); mode = new_mode(mode, point);
}); const file = `${process.cwd()}/pics/${mode_to_string(mode)}.png`;
const duration = (point.position_start - last_point) / graph_density;
console.log("file", `'${mode_to_image(results[results.length - 1][0])}'`); console.log(
// console.log(formatTime(total_speaking), formatTime(position)); (point.position_start - last_point) / graph_density
}); );
console.log("file", file);
last_point = point.position_start;
last_file = file;
total += duration * graph_density;
console.log("duration", merged[merged.length - 1].duration / graph_density);
console.log("file", last_file);
console.error(total, formatTime(total));

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@ -11,25 +11,27 @@ input=/home/kuba/Downloads/podcast-01-after-effects.mp3 # tutaj dajemy ścieżk
aresample=8000 # to bez zmian aresample=8000 # to bez zmian
echo dzielimy mp3 na dwa osobne wav echo dzielimy mp3 na dwa osobne wav
ffmpeg -i $input -map_channel 0.0.0 /tmp/left.wav -map_channel 0.0.1 /tmp/right.wav #ffmpeg -i $input -map_channel 0.0.0 /tmp/left.wav -map_channel 0.0.1 /tmp/right.wav
echo na dwóch wątkach generujemy surowe pliki echo na dwóch wątkach generujemy surowe pliki
ffmpeg -i /tmp/left.wav -ac 1 -filter:a aresample=$aresample -map 0:a -c:a pcm_u8 -f data - > /tmp/leftraw & #ffmpeg -i /tmp/left.wav -ac 1 -filter:a aresample=$aresample -map 0:a -c:a pcm_u8 -f data - > /tmp/leftraw &
ffmpeg -i /tmp/right.wav -ac 1 -filter:a aresample=$aresample -map 0:a -c:a pcm_u8 -f data - > /tmp/rightraw & #ffmpeg -i /tmp/right.wav -ac 1 -filter:a aresample=$aresample -map 0:a -c:a pcm_u8 -f data - > /tmp/rightraw &
# czekamy aż obydwa wątki się zakończą # czekamy aż obydwa wątki się zakończą
wait; #wait;
echo "generating the demuxers..."; echo "generating the demuxers...";
# generuje ścieżki do złożenia przez ffmpega: # generuje ścieżki do złożenia przez ffmpega:
ts-node generate-demuxer.ts > /tmp/demuxer.txt ts-node generate-demuxer.ts > out/demuxer.txt
mkdir -f out mkdir -p out
# używa demuxer.txt żeby skleić końcowe video z dźwiękiem: # używa demuxer.txt żeby skleić końcowe video z dźwiękiem:
echo generowanie całości echo generowanie całości
ffmpeg -y -f concat -i /tmp/demuxer.txt -r 30 -tune stillimage -vsync vfr -pix_fmt yuv420p out/video.mp4 ffmpeg -y -f concat -safe 0 -i out/demuxer.txt -r 30 -tune stillimage -vsync vfr -pix_fmt yuv420p out/video.mp4
# ^ daję safe 0 aby przyjmowało bezwzględne ścieżki
echo łączenie video z dźwiękiem: echo łączenie video z dźwiękiem:
ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -i $input -ac 1 -tune stillimage out/video-and-audio.mp4 ffmpeg -i out/video.mp4 -i $input -ac 1 -tune stillimage out/video-and-audio.mp4