#!/bin/bash timestamp(){ echo $((${EPOCHREALTIME//.} / 1000)) } _get_pixel_color(){ # old version that takes up to .5s to run START=$(timestamp) x=$1; y=$2; output_path="/tmp/$(mktemp -u XXXXXX).png" scrot $output_path magick $output_path -format "%[hex:p{$x,$y}]" info: END=$(timestamp) DIFF=$(echo "$END - $START" | bc) echo "{'getting_pixel_color_took': '${DIFF}ms'}" > /dev/stderr } get_pixel_color(){ x=$1; y=$2; FIREFOX_ID=$(wmctrl -lp | grep Firefox | awk '{print $1}') if [ "$FIREFOX_ID" = "" ] then echo "NONE" return fi grabc -w "$FIREFOX_ID" -l +${x}+${y} } extract_text(){ output_path="/tmp/$(mktemp -u XXXXXX).png" cropped_path=$output_path--cropped.png scrot $output_path left=$1 top=$2 width=$3 height=$4 # https://www.libvips.org/API/current/libvips-conversion.html#vips-extract-area vips extract_area "$output_path" "$cropped_path" $left $top $width $height tesseract "$cropped_path" stdout -l eng } click (){ xdotool mousemove $1 $2 xdotool click 1 } grab_no=0 grab(){ NOTE="$grab_no $@" #echo $@ ((grab_no++)) scrot --note "-f '/usr/share/fonts/noto/NotoSansMono-Medium.ttf/40' -c 255,0,0,255 -t '$NOTE'" "/opt/static/$(date -Iminutes).png" #echo "not grabbing" } grab_screen_to_public(){ id=$1 filepath="/opt/static/$id/preview.png" tempfile="/opt/static/$id/temp.png" mkdir -p "/opt/static/$id" rm -f "$tempfile" scrot "$tempfile" mv -f "$tempfile" "$filepath" } keycombo(){ for key in "$@" do xdotool keydown $key sleep 0.01 done for key in "$@" do xdotool keyup $key sleep 0.01 done sleep 0.5 } start_firefox(){ rm -rf /root/.mozilla/firefox/bifup8k5.docker/sessionstore-backups #echo 'user_pref("layout.css.devPixelsPerPx", "1.5");' >> /root/.mozilla/firefox/bifup8k5.docker/prefs.js firefox --devtools > /dev/null & FIREFOX_PID=$! while [ $(get_pixel_color 100 100) = "NONE" ] do echo "waiting for firefox to open the window" sleep 0.1 done; echo "firefox opened the window" } prepare_firefox(){ xdotool key Return # in case there's a "firefox closed unexpectedly" button sleep 1 grab "after sleep 1" click 1886 13 #maximize button grab "after maximize" sleep 1 grab "after sleep 1" # no need to reopen the network tab, as it's almost certainly already open # keycombo Control_L Shift_L e # grab "after ctrl+shift+e" # keycombo Shift_L F5 #profiler # grab "after shift-c F5" # keycombo Control_L Shift_L e # sleep 5 # it needs some time } wait_for_pixel_color(){ x=$1; y=$2; color=$3; timeout=$4; while [ $(get_pixel_color 143 122) = "#2e3436" ] do sleep 0.1 done } load_website(){ URL=$1 keycombo Control_L l grab ctrl+l xdotool type "$URL" grab type url xdotool key Return grab enter sleep 1 echo "{'current_action': 'waiting for $URL to load...'}" times=0 while [ $(get_pixel_color 143 122) = "#2e3436" ] # the center of the X icon that becomes a "refresh" icon once the website is finished loading do sleep 0.5 #printf "." #scrot times=$((times + 1)) if [ $times -eq 30 ] then echo "{'current_action': 'website load timeout, proceeding anyway...'}" break; fi done echo "{'current_action': 'website loaded'}" } open_network_inspector(){ keycombo Shift_L F5 #profiler sleep 1 keycombo Control_L Shift_L e } network_inspector_search(){ query=$1 keycombo Control_L f sleep 0.2 keycombo Control_L a sleep 0.1 xdotool type "$query" xdotool key Escape sleep 0.3 seq 28 | xargs -I {} xdotool key Tab xdotool key Down sleep 0.1 xdotool key Up sleep 0.1 } network_inspector_has_more_entries(){ [ $(get_pixel_color 1267 1572) = "#f9f9fa" ] } network_inspector_next_entry(){ xdotool key Tab sleep 0.05 xdotool key Down sleep 0.2 } # last_message="_____" # measure(){ # }