import { EventEmitter } from 'events'; import ExtendedRequest, { HAREntry } from './extended-request'; import { getshorthost, isBase64, isBase64JSON, isJSONObject, isURL, maskString, parseToObject, safeDecodeURIComponent, } from './util'; export type Sources = | 'cookie' | 'pathname' | 'queryparams' | 'header' | 'request_body'; export const Classifications = { id: 'Identyfikator internetowy', history: 'Część historii przeglądania', location: 'Informacje na temat mojego położenia', }; const ID_PREVIEW_MAX_LENGTH = 20; const MIN_COOKIE_LENGTH_FOR_AUTO_MARK = 15; const id = (function* id() { let i = 0; while (true) { i++; yield i; } })(); export type DecodingSchema = 'base64' | 'raw'; export class StolenDataEntry extends EventEmitter { public isIAB = false; public id: number; private marked = false; public classification: keyof typeof Classifications; public decoding_applied: DecodingSchema = 'raw'; public decodings_available: DecodingSchema[] = ['raw']; constructor( public request: ExtendedRequest, public source: Sources, public name: string, public value: string ) { super(); = as number; this.classification = this.classify(); if (isBase64(value)) { this.decodings_available.push('base64'); } } getPriority() { let priority = 0; priority += Math.min(this.value.length, 50); const url = new URL(this.request.originalURL); if (this.value.includes( { priority += 100; } if (this.value.includes(url.pathname)) { priority += 100; } if (this.source === 'cookie') { priority += 200; } return priority; } get isMarked() { return this.marked; } hasValue(value: string) { return this.value === value; } static parseValue(value: unknown): string | Record { if (isBase64JSON(value)) { return StolenDataEntry.parseValue({ base64: JSON.parse(atob(value)), }); } if (value === undefined) { return ''; } if (isJSONObject(value)) { const object = parseToObject(value); return object; } else if (isURL(value)) { const url = new URL(value); let hash = url.hash; if (hash.includes('=')) { //facebook sometimes includes querystring-encoded data into the hash... attempt to parse it try { hash = Object.fromEntries( hash .slice(1) .split('&') .map((kv) => kv.split('=')) ); } catch (e) { // failed to parse as query string console.log( 'Failed attempt to parse hash location as query string, probably safe to ignore:', e ); } } const searchParams = Object.fromEntries( ( url.searchParams as unknown as { entries: () => Iterable<[string, string]>; } ).entries() ); if ( typeof hash !== 'object' && Object.keys(searchParams).length === 0 ) { return value; // just a string; } const object = { [Symbol.for('originalString')]: value, // so it doesn't appear raw in the table but can be easily retrieved later host:, path: url.pathname, searchParams, ...(hash === '' ? {} : typeof hash === 'string' ? { hash } : hash), }; return object; } else if (value === null) { return 'null'; } else { return value.toString(); } } getParsedValue( key_path: string ): string | Record { let object = StolenDataEntry.parseValue(this.value); for (const key of key_path.split('.')) { if (key === '') continue; if (typeof key === 'string') { throw new Error( 'something went wrong when parsing ' + key_path ); } object = StolenDataEntry.parseValue(object[key]); } return object; } mark() { const had_been_marked_before = this.marked; this.marked = true; if (!had_been_marked_before) { this.emit('change'); } } unmark() { const had_been_marked_before = this.marked; this.marked = false; if (had_been_marked_before) { this.emit('change'); } } toggleMark() { if (this.marked) { this.unmark(); } else { this.mark(); } } private classify(): keyof typeof Classifications { let result: keyof typeof Classifications; if (this.exposesOrigin()) { result = 'history'; } else { result = 'id'; } return result; } isRelatedToID() { return this.request.stolenData.some( (entry) => entry.classification == 'id' ); } matchesHAREntry(har: HAREntry): boolean { return this.request.matchesHAREntry(har); } getValuePreview(key = ''): string { const value = this.getParsedValue(key); const str = typeof value === 'object' && value[Symbol.for('originalString')] ? (value[Symbol.for('originalString')] as string) : value.toString(); if (typeof value !== 'object' && this.classification == 'id') { return maskString(value, 1 / 3, ID_PREVIEW_MAX_LENGTH); } else if ( typeof value === 'object' && value[Symbol.for('originalString')] ) { return value[Symbol.for('originalString')] as string; } else { return str; } } getUniqueKey() { return this.request.shorthost + ';' + + ';' + this.value; } exposesOrigin(): boolean { return this.exposesHost() || this.exposesPath(); } autoMark() { if ( this.classification == 'history' || ((this.source === 'cookie' ||'id') ||'cookie') ||'ga') ||'ses') ||'fb')) && this.value.length > MIN_COOKIE_LENGTH_FOR_AUTO_MARK) ) { if ( (this.request.shorthost.includes('google') || this.request.shorthost.includes('youtube')) && == 'CONSENT' ) { // this cookie contains "YES" and might distract the person looking at it into thinking i gave consent on the reported site return; } this.mark(); } } exposesPath() { return ( this.request.originalPathname !== '/' && [this.value, safeDecodeURIComponent(this.value)].some((haystack) => haystack.includes(this.request.originalPathname) ) ); } exposesHost() { return [this.value, safeDecodeURIComponent(this.value)].some( (haystack) => haystack.includes(getshorthost(this.request.origin)) ); } }