import { EventEmitter } from "events"; import ExtendedRequest from "./extended-request"; import { MergedStolenDataEntry, Sources, StolenDataEntry, } from "./stolen-data-entry"; import { allSubhosts, isSameURL, reduceConcat, unique } from "./util"; const source_priority: Array = [ "cookie", "pathname", "queryparams", "header", ]; export class RequestCluster extends EventEmitter { public requests: ExtendedRequest[] = []; constructor(public id: string) { super(); } add(request: ExtendedRequest) { this.requests.push(request); this.emit("change"); } hasCookies() { for (const request of this.requests) { if (request.hasCookie()) { return true; } } return false; } getStolenData(filter: { minValueLength: number; cookiesOnly: boolean; cookiesOrOriginOnly: boolean; }): MergedStolenDataEntry[] { return this.requests .map((request) => request.stolenData) .reduce((a, b) => a.concat(b), []) .filter((entry) => { return entry.value.length >= filter.minValueLength; }) .filter((entry) => !filter.cookiesOnly || entry.source === "cookie") .filter( (entry) => !filter.cookiesOrOriginOnly || entry.source === "cookie" || entry.classification === "history" ) .sort((entryA, entryB) => ( > ? -1 : 1)) .filter((element, index, array) => { // remove duplicates by name/value if (index == 0) { return true; } if ( != array[index - 1].name || element.value != array[index - 1].value ) { return true; } }) .sort((entryA, entryB) => (entryA.value > entryB.value ? -1 : 1)) .reduce( (acc: MergedStolenDataEntry[], entry: StolenDataEntry) => { // group by value const last_entry = acc.slice(-1)[0]; if (last_entry.hasValue(entry.value)) { last_entry.mergeWith(entry); } else { acc.push(new MergedStolenDataEntry([entry])); } return acc; }, [new MergedStolenDataEntry([])] as MergedStolenDataEntry[] ) .sort((entry1, entry2) => entry1.getPriority() > entry2.getPriority() ? -1 : 1 ); } static sortCompare(a: RequestCluster, b: RequestCluster) { if (a.hasCookies() == b.hasCookies()) { if ( < { return -1; } else { return 1; } } else { if (a.hasCookies()) { return -1; } else { return 1; } } } getMarkedRequests() { return this.requests.filter((request) => request.hasMark()); } getFullHosts() { return unique( this.requests .map((request) => allSubhosts(request.getHost())) .reduce((a, b) => a.concat(b), []) ); } hasMarks() { return this.requests.some((request) => request.hasMark()); } getMarkedEntries(): StolenDataEntry[] { return this.requests .map((request) => request.getMarkedEntries()) .reduce(reduceConcat, []); } exposesOrigin() { return this.requests.some((request) => request.exposesOrigin()); } getMarks() { return this.requests .map((request) => request.getMarkedEntries()) .reduce(reduceConcat, []) .map((entry) => entry.marks) .reduce(reduceConcat, []); } getRepresentativeMarks() { // removes duplicates so the email/HAR file is shorter return this.getMarks() .sort((markA, markB) => { if (markA.entry.value > markB.entry.value) { return -1; } else if (markA.entry.value < markB.entry.value) { return 1; } else { const indexA = source_priority.indexOf(markA.source); const indexB = source_priority.indexOf(markB.source); if (indexA < indexB) { return -1; } else if (indexA > indexB) { return 1; } else { return markA.entry.value.length > markB.entry.value.length ? -1 : 1; } } }) .filter((_, index, array) => { if (index == 0) { return true; } if ( array[index].valuePreview === array[index - 1].valuePreview || (array[index].classification === "history" && array[index - 1].classification === "history") || // if they're both history, then the first one is the longest isSameURL(array[index].entry.value, array[index - 1].entry.value) ) { return false; } else { return true; } }); } }