#!/usr/bin/zx const { extname } = require("path"); const args = process.argv.slice(-2); const video = args[0]; const labels = args[1]; const ext = extname(video); const FREQ = 48000; const FRAMERATE = parseFloat( (await $`mediainfo --Output="Video;%FrameRate%" ${video}`).stdout ); const labels_contents = (await $`awk '{print $3, $4, $5}' < ${labels}`).stdout; const cuts = labels_contents .split(os.EOL) .slice(0, -1) .map((e) => e .split(" ") .slice(1) .map((x) => parseFloat(x)) ) .map(([samples, start]) => ({ duration: samples / FREQ, start, end: start + samples / FREQ, })); console.log(cuts); let all_frames = []; const frame_count = parseInt( (await $`mediainfo --Output="Video;%FrameCount%" ${video}`).stdout ); for (let i = 0; i < frame_count; i++) { all_frames.push(i); } console.log(all_frames); for (let cut of cuts) { all_frames = [ ...all_frames.slice(0, Math.round(cut.start * FRAMERATE)), ...all_frames.slice(Math.round(cut.end * FRAMERATE)), ]; } console.log(all_frames); const pieces = []; let current_piece = { start: all_frames[0] }; let predicted_frame_number = 0; // skipping the first one, as we're doing lookback for (let i = 1; i < all_frames.length; i++) { if (all_frames[i] != all_frames[i - 1] + 1) { current_piece.end = all_frames[i - 1]; pieces.push(current_piece); current_piece = { start: all_frames[i] }; } } current_piece.end = all_frames[all_frames.length - 1]; pieces.push(current_piece); // this approach is using a filter, so it requires reencoding the entire video, but lets us be very precise: const filter = pieces .map( ({ start, end }) => `between(t,${(start / FRAMERATE).toFixed(5)},${(end / FRAMERATE).toFixed( 5 )})` ) .join("+"); await $`ffmpeg -i ${video} \ -vf ${`select='${filter}',setpts=N/FRAME_RATE/TB`} \ -af ${`aselect='${filter}',asetpts=N/SR/TB`} \ ${video + ".cut.mp4"}`; // let ffmpeg_args = []; // const parts = []; // for (let i in pieces) { // const piece = pieces[i]; // const output_filename = video + "-" + i + ".mp4"; // ffmpeg_args = [ // ...ffmpeg_args, // "-ss", // (piece.start / FRAMERATE).toFixed(5), // "-t", // ((piece.end - piece.start) / FRAMERATE).toFixed(5), // "-c", // "copy", // output_filename, // ]; // parts.push(output_filename); // } // console.log(ffmpeg_args); // await $`ffmpeg -i ${video} ${ffmpeg_args}`; // await $`echo ${parts.map((s) => `file ${s}`).join("\n")} > /tmp/vdlist.txt`; // await $`ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i /tmp/vdlist.txt -c copy -y ${ // video + "final.mp4" // } `;